Lake of the Woods Drifters Prepare for First Year of Trail Grooming
By: Doris Knutson
Northern Light Region
After riding the Border/Northern Connection trails for many years, the Lake of the Woods Drifters Snowmobile Club will now take over the grooming of those trails as well.
After the company that groomed the land trails stepped down from the task after last snowmobile season, earlier this year the Drifters approached the Lake of the Woods County Board to seek funding for the purchase of the equipment required for the extensive trail grooming. Previously, the Drifters were responsible only for the grooming of the lake and river trails.
Now the proud new owners of that equipment, once the snow is deep enough, the club will begin the task of grooming the hundreds of miles of connected trails in the area. That means the club will now provide grooming services for 63 miles of lake trails, 11 miles of river trails and 272 miles of land trails. The club also maintains all of their shelters that are set up in various locations along those trails, which extend as far north as the Northwest Angle, west as far as Warroad, south to Waskish and as far east as Big Falls and up to International Falls.
In addition to the trail grooming services they provide, the Drifters have also been involved in many community service activities and have been a major contributor to charities and other organizations within the county. All told, the club has donated nearly $50,000 to various organizations and events in the area, including Baudette’s Fourth of July fireworks, Dollars For Scholars, the American Cancer Society, and the Take a Kid Fishing Program, to name just a few.
If you would like to join the club or require additional information, the Lake of the Woods Drifters will hold their annual membership drive on Saturday, October 14 at the VFW in Baudette, with dinner/social hour at 6:00 p.m. and the meeting beginning at 7:00.
Current board members are Tessa Strohl, Marty Mollberg, Heather Orton, Mariah Mollberg, Michael Strohl and Randy Orton. The club is seeking one additional board member.